Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Things that annoy the eagle

One thing I'm pretty thoroughly sick of being told is that I'm intolerant of differing views.

This is, really, almost always supported by the evidence that, since I openly disagree with differing views (by definition--I mean, what am I supposed to do, agree with everything anyone says?) I must therefore consider those views illegitimate.

That is, to be nice about it, such total crap I shouldn't even have to refute it, and yet, from time to time I find myself having to decide whether to explain once again that disagreeing with someone does not equal wanting to put them in concentration camps.

I'm serious. Someone actually said that to me, a couple years ago. It was one of those snarky one-line e-mails, something like "So, when do you plan to start putting us conservatives in concentration camps?"

This post was inspired by some idiot, more recently, lecturing me that "you believe that your view is the only possible right view and to hell with anyone who may have a different idea, ESPECIALLY if they're a member of the opposition party." (Funny, I thought I was in charge of what I believed, but evidently not.)

The lecture on the value of open debate continues: "You have to have dissenting opinions in order to have checks and balances. The problem is that being the opposition has turned into being the enemy and therefore they are the enemy and deserve no respect or quarter. That's what is destroying the American political system."

Apparently, if you have strong opinions and tend toward one end of the spectrum (the American spectrum--in most of the western world my views would be considered very centrist, but the American spectrum is pretty skewed to the right at the moment) you must therefore feel that people who disagree with you should be cleansed from the face of the earth. It is, apparently, inconceivable to some people that it is possible to hold strong opinions, forcibly argue them in public, and still see dissent as legitimate and even valuable.

I'm going to say this one final time: I think disagreement is legitimate and important. I will advocate my views, and I fully endorse the right of others, who hold different views, to do the same. I have never said otherwise. It is stupid to think that just because I have opinions, I must hate people who disagree.
