If it drinks like a duck and drives like a duck
by Liberal Eagle
"Mallard Fillmore" creator Edward Bruce Tinsley arrested for DUI:
While there is nothing funny about drunk driving, there is also nothing funny about Mallard Fillmore.
EDIT: Via Tom Tomorrow, I see that Tinsley is, in fact, also a monumental hypocrite:
"Mallard Fillmore" creator Edward Bruce Tinsley arrested for DUI:
Hoosier Edward Bruce Tinsley, creator of the conservative comic strip Mallard Fillmore, was arrested in Columbus Dec. 4 and charged with operating a vehicle under the influence -- his second alcohol-related arrest in less that four months, according to the Bartholomew County Sheriff's Department.You know Tinsley. He's the conservative "cartoonist" who pretended that the parody of his strip that appeared in the Daily Show's America: The Book was actually an attempt to pass a fake strip off as his actual work, then drew Jon Stewart, who is Jewish, with a huge hooked nose, which is not actually what Jon looks like.
Tinsley, 48, who lives in Columbus, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.14 -- almost twice the level at which an Indiana driver is considered intoxicated. He posted $755 bond.
On Aug. 26, Tinsley was arrested for public intoxication, according to the sheriff's department.
While there is nothing funny about drunk driving, there is also nothing funny about Mallard Fillmore.
EDIT: Via Tom Tomorrow, I see that Tinsley is, in fact, also a monumental hypocrite:

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