Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Fair and balanced

1994: Republicans sweep into control of Congress, including picking up a 26-seat margin in the House. Not a single Republican incumbent anywhere loses.

Media conventional wisdom: The country has given the Republican agenda a broad mandate, and decisively rejected the Democrats.

2006: Democrats sweep into control of Congress, including picking up a margin of at least 26 House seats, probably more. Not a single Democratic incumbent anywhere loses.

Media conventional wisdom: A pox on both their houses. The voters have rejected partisanship, and want both parties to work together.

1994: Incoming House Speaker Newt Gingrich backs a political ally for Majority Whip, who goes on to lose to Tom DeLay for the post.

Media conventional wisdom: It doesn't matter; Newt is still the man. He's hailed as probably more powerful than President Clinton. Time Magazine names him "person of the year."

2006: Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi backs a political ally for Majority Leader, who goes on to lose to Steny Hoyer for the post.

Media conventional wisdom: Pelosi seriously blew it. She's damaged goods, now. She cannot plausibly lead.

Liberal media, my tailfeathers.